Subject to the prevailing rules and regulations, under the supervision of the Audit Committee, the designated Financial Officers and Internal Auditors are required to maintain HD Faculty™'s “Earnings Protection” key measurement indicators of the basic earnings power of HD Faculty™.
(A) Measurement of profitability;
(B) Returns on capital;
(C) Pre-tax coverage ratio;
(D) Profit margins;
(E) Earnings on asset segments;
(F) Source of future earnings growth;
(G) Consistency of core earnings;
(H) Exceptional or extraordinary items;
(I) Pension service coverage, where applicable;
(J) Ability to finance growth internally;
(K) Inflation-adjusted earning capacity;
(L) Tax environment;
(M) Dividend cover;
(N) Dividend and payout ratios;
(O) Restrictions on profit repatriation;
(P) Provision in respect smoothing of profits;
(Q) Compensation for services;
(R) Expenditure incurred;
(S) Payment methods;
(T) Lien and setoff;
(U) Right to assign or transfer; and
(V) Accounts receivable coverage.