Effective use of Compliance Committee. The Directors and senior management, from time to time, shall ensure that effective and credible use of the Compliance Committee in respect to inspection, investigation, surveillance and enforcement powers and implementation of an effective compliance program is duly designed to conduct thorough inspection and surveillance in respect to the development and maintenance of high standards. |
Professional Code of Conduct. From time to time, HD Faculty shall adopt a professional code of conduct, which is basically a comprehensive document that addresses how business should be conducted, including conflicts of interest, communications, inappropriate political activity, and other such issues. The object is to ensure that the guiding principles of HD Faculty™ are not problematic in respect to the proscriptive rules and the prevailing guiding principles. Therefore, the Directors are responsible to ensure that the enforcement mechanisms employed are tested, tried, and proven to be true. |
Ethical Business Principles. Directors, officers, and employees shall not use their authority or office for personal gain. Instead, they shall seek to uphold and enhance the reputation of HD Faculty™ wherever they may be situated. They shall maintain an unimpeachable standard of integrity in all that they do, through the fostering of the highest possible standards of competence, optimising the use of HD Faculty™ and its clients’ resources for which they are responsible to provide the maximum benefit. They shall comply with the letter and the spirit of laws and regulations of the jurisdiction where HD Faculty™ is conducting its business affairs, be it direct or indirect; including internationally accepted business practices and contractual terms and conditions. |