Ethical Business Practices |
Interest Declaration. Directors, officers, employees, agents, and authorised representatives shall reveal any personal interest that may encroach upon or might reasonably be deemed by others to impinge on their business dealings. |
Information Confidentiality and Accuracy. Directors, officers, employees, agents, and authorised representatives shall respect the respective client’s right to privacy and confidentially of information received in the course of their business dealings and shall not use any such information for personal gain, be it direct or indirect. |
Competition. Directors, officers, employees, agents, and authorised representatives shall avoid all business arrangements, be it direct or indirect that might prevent fair competition. |
Gifts. Directors, officers, employees, agents, and authorised representatives shall not accept business gifts from suppliers or clients. |
Hospitality. Directors, officers, employees, agents, and authorised representatives shall refrain from any business hospitality that might be perceived by others as having an influence in making a business decision as the result thereof. |