To achieve HD Faculty™'s commitment, HD Faculty™ establishes and maintains fixed paradigms in respect to its management philosophy by employing the S.M.A.R.T. Management Program. It ensures that its presiding Management addresses the issues set out herein in a timely manner.
Therefore, HD Faculty requires that the committees that are established within HD Faculty™ voluntarily assume greater responsibility in an effort to fulfill HD Faculty™'s commitments to itself, its strategic partners, investors, participating governmental corporations and agencies; stakeholders, and society’s expectations, whilst protecting their respective interest. The committees, from time to time, are required to undertake and obtain information and best practices relevant in executing their respective duties and responsibilities.
The respective committee is required to maintain benchmarking information to determine whether they are focused on the right areas, receiving the right information, in the right way, at the right time, and spending adequate time fulfilling their respective duties and responsibilities.