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Strategic Partners
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This section sets out the prerequisites, requirements, and expected code of conduct of an entity that is deemed to be a strategic partner of HD Faculty™. It also contains a list of the current partners.
Strategic Partnership Objectives and Expectations: HD Faculty™'s expectations of a Strategic Partner concerning its objectives is to:
Respect and contribute to the legitimate and ethical objectives of HD Faculty™ and to help HD Faculty™ move to where it needs to be in the future;
Provide HD Faculty™ with the requisite skills, knowledge, abilities, and right attitude deemed necessary to create opportunities for achieving the desired organisational and societal results;
Assist HD Faculty™ in the generation of new and valid knowledge that will lead to the attainment of results that meet the set performance criteria demanded by HD Faculty™ and society;
Demonstrate to have the ability to acquire the necessary knowledge through systematic research methods without jeopardising the success of the respective client, or society, and produce the results required by the client;
Define, justify empirically, and achieve useful results that can be aligned with HD Faculty™'s mission, objective, and positive contributions to society;
Measure its performance based on results, not on procedures performed for the client;
Set clear systematic processes that will be followed in respect to the expected outcomes;
Add true value by serving the clients with integrity, competence and objectivity pertaining to human performance and technology; and
Prevent predicted problems from occurring, not wasting time solving them after they could have been avoided.
Key Topics
HD Faculty Bullet Legalised Practice Principle
HD Faculty Bullet Collaboration
HD Faculty Bullet Continuous Improvement
HD Faculty Bullet Ethical Conduct
HD Faculty Bullet Directory (Permitted Service Providers)
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