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Strategic Partners
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Ethical Conduct
Make genuine recommendations that one believes will meet the needs of the client, instead of simply agreeing with a client’s self-assessment of itself;
Decline a job if one does not have the expertise the respective client is requesting;
Refrain from being selective or skewing data to make one’s recommendation look better;
Don’t promise results that one can’t achieve within the prescribed timeframe;
Even in the face of resistance, use and promote the internationally accepted standards and guiding principles;
f. Avoid territorial battles;
Listen objectively to a counterpart’s concerns, constraints, issues, restrictions, and so forth;
Never knowingly beguile, mislead, misrepresent, misappropriate, or fabricate lies to the client;
Refrain from making recommendations pertaining to a given solution that one is not able to implement for oneself;
Take full responsibility for the result of one’s work, irrespective of the result, never blame another;
Never advertise the attainment of results that cannot be clearly and concisely linked to one’s work; and
Partners shall continuously conduct research, namely, read journals, irrespective of the field of interest, concerning management; performance improvement, and educational research; attend conferences and professional meetings; train, and consult with credible colleagues in the field.
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